The Science Behind Dominos
Dominos are a popular game and have long been a symbol of luck. But, what most people don’t realize is that there are many scientific principles behind the way these small rectangular blocks fall. A domino can be an analogy for any situation that starts with one small trigger and leads to a larger chain reaction—in a business, an event, or even a political scenario.
The earliest recorded domino game was in China, dating back to the 12th or 13th century. The early domino tiles were functionally similar to playing cards and could be stacked together to form larger patterns. Today’s domino tiles have a plastic or wooden base and a set of dots, called pips, on each end. The number of pips on each end determines the value of the domino. A domino with a single pips is called a “blank,” while one with two pips is called a “double.” The domino with the highest value wins a round of play.
In the game of domino, players take turns placing one tile perpendicular to a line of existing tiles. When a player can no longer place a tile, they pass to another player. Using this system, the first player to reach a predetermined goal score or number of rounds wins the game.
Although domino is a relatively simple game, there are many different types of dominoes and play formats. The most common games involve blocking or scoring. Blocking games include bergen and Mexican train. Scoring games usually involve counting the number of pips on opponents’ tiles. Doubles may count as one or two, and a double-blank may count as either a 6 or 12.
Many domino sets are made from polymers, which have the advantage of being lightweight and durable. However, some sets are made of more natural materials. These are more expensive, but they feel heftier and have a more elegant look. Traditionally, dominoes were made of bone, silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, and a dark hardwood such as ebony with contrasting black or white pips.
Domino’s is a company that embraces innovation. In fact, half of its employees work in software analytics, and the company is experimenting with pizza delivery by drones. But, while Domino’s invests in technology to make its pizza-delivery service more efficient, the company also focuses on improving the customer experience.
The Domino Effect, also known as the butterfly effect, is the notion that when you change one behavior, it will trigger a chain reaction and cause other behaviors to shift as well. For example, when a person decreases their sedentary leisure activities, they will likely eat less fat as a side effect. This is the principle behind the Domino Effect, and it can be applied to any type of change you want to see in your life. You just have to be willing to start the chain reaction. And to make sure it doesn’t stop, you have to know a few key principles.