Leadership at Domino’s Pizza

Domino is a family of tabletop games played with a set of rectangular tiles, called dominoes. Each domino has a number of dots, or “pips,” on it, and the player must succeed in placing each one in a row, column, or diagonal against the other pieces to score points. The oldest known dominoes were carved from ebony and ivory, and the word derives from the Latin domino meaning “little finger.”

Hevesh is a professional domino artist who creates impressive displays that include 3-D arrangements, lines of dominoes that connect all the sections, and even domino sculptures for movies and events, including a recent album launch by pop star Katy Perry. When she completes an installation, she carefully tests each section to make sure it works correctly before she puts it all together. She also films each test in slow motion to pinpoint any mistakes.

While Hevesh is not a manager or CEO, her company has an excellent reputation for creating great leaders. Its focus on leadership is not based on position, but rather on standing out as someone who inspires others to follow. It has also shifted away from traditional hierarchies and bureaucracy, in favor of more participatory management strategies.

For example, its leaders take an active role in employee training programs. They also listen to employees and act on their feedback. This approach has been successful for the company, as Domino’s employees have low turnover rates and are highly engaged.

Domino has embraced technology to improve customer service. For example, Domino’s recently launched a new way for customers to order pizza by texting an emoji. It has also partnered with Google Assistant to allow customers to use voice commands to place orders. The company also provides free delivery for its most loyal customers.

Aside from Domino’s innovation in technology, the company has also benefited from its strong leadership. Its founder, Domino’s Pizza Chairman and CEO David Brandon, is a true leader who understands that employees have a big impact on the business. He takes time to visit and meet with employees, and he has shown that he is truly interested in his workers’ needs.

Domino’s leadership practices are a good example of how to be a better leader. It is important to know your strengths and weaknesses, and to find ways to work on your weak areas. It is equally important to understand the needs of your employees, and to show your employees that you care about them. By doing this, you will create a culture where everyone feels like they are valued. This will ensure that your employees are motivated and productive. It will also help to reduce the likelihood of high employee turnover.